MINDBAR® exists to help you move out of your own way and start prospering.
You might be a high achiever. You might often hear from others how great your life is, but you feel like something is missing.
You are ambitious, sensitive, driven, intellectual, smart, and strive for personal growth and success. You also care deeply for concepts, ideas, and have a vivid and active mind (sometimes too active). You might tend to obsess sometimes and be a bit perfectionistic too. Sometimes, you feel like you aren’t as good as people think you are.
I will help you achieve the best results as quickly as possible using my signature approach. That includes an almost spooky level of intuition and empathy, combined with razor-sharp logic and analysis.
Several of my clients have suspected me to be a mind-reader. I feel things intuitively and I make sense of them with my analytical mind. At the same time I believe that everything done with compassion is most effective.
You believe that this life is short and fast and you want to make the most of it while you can. I live my life that way too.
I know that happiness (and unhappiness) begins in the mind. My mission is to help you get out of your own way.
Learn to stay calmer in stressful situations, make better decisions, and simply be happier.
I use a variety of techniques: mindfulness-based mental training, coaching, cognitive behavioral techniques, and meditation.

Once upon a time, I was so stressed and burnt out. So I quit my 6-figure consulting career and started over. People thought I had lost my mind. I stopped desperately grasping my mind’s thoughts. I decided to follow my intuition instead. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life anymore, but I knew I couldn’t live my life stressed out and unhappy.
Even though I was great at my job. I had nothing but good performance reviews, but I wasn’t feeling the success.
It turns out, I was so good at setting and achieving goals, that I didn’t even notice I was going after the wrong goals. I hadn’t even asked myself if these goals were the right ones for ME. I had completely stopped listening to my inner voice, needs, and passions. I wasn’t listening to any of it. In fact, I didn’t even hear it.
I was too busy achieving things.
I didn’t realize this until I started “feeling” it. I felt like I was just functioning and existing, and wondered, “Is this all life’s about?” I wondered why I was busting my ass when it wasn’t making me happy.
It took me years and lots of investment to get where I am now. I had to start hearing and listening to (and trusting) my own inner voice first. Now, I still set goals and achieve them, but I’m going after the ones that make me feel PURPOSEFUL and PASSIONATE. And that is where our personal POWER is. Living in alignment with what we actually want.
So I decided to devote my life to helping others do the same.
Doctoral student (PhD), clinical psychology Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.Psych. Robert Bering, University of Cologne, and chief physician of the Center for Psychotraumatology Krefeld, Alexianer Krankenhaus GmbH.
Master’s (M.Sc.) clinical psychology and psychotherapy sciences, University of Witten-Herdecke, Witten. Master’s thesis (summa cum laude) with Prof. Dr. Johannes Michalak and Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.Psych. R. Bering.
Master of Business Administration (MBA), Schiller International University, Heidelberg.
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Clinical Psychology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Bachelor Science in German Professions, East Carolina University, North Carolina, USA.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher (by Jon Kabat-Zinn) - Mindfulness Institute Ruhr (Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction).
Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher.
Certified Co-counselor - Co-counseling is a self-help method to activate and strengthen our emotional health and our life force. House Kloppenburg, Münster.
Clinical Psychologist, Center for Psychotraumatology Krefeld, Alexianer Krankenhaus GmbH, DiPT (German Institute for Psychotraumatology). Psychotherapy for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder, Co-Leader Trauma Recovery Group (Judith Herman, Harvard University).
Project Manager EUNAD (European Network for Psychosocial Crisis Management - Assisting Disabled in Case of Disaster), Alexianer Institute for Psychotraumatology, Alexianer Hospital.
Owner, Wordstyle Editing (editing and translation) - Clients: METRO, ECC Kohtes Klewes, EXPO REAL Messe München GmbH, NUON, BBDO, Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche, and others
Management Consultant (Manager) - BBDO Consulting (now: Batten & Company).
Management Consultant (Strategy Consultant) - Accenture.

Nowadays everyone seems to call themselves “coach”. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s getting to be too much, since the term is not protected, there are of course no quality standards. I am a clinical psychologist (M.Sc.), and in addition to my work at the MINDBAR®, I also work as a therapist/counselor in a clinic for psychotraumatology. My approach there is also mindfulness based. I also have a Master Business Administration, so many years of experience in the “business world”. My coaching approach is therefore not only mindfulness-based, but goal-oriented and pragmatic. My goal as a coach is to send you on your way as soon as possible, equipped with your own tools and skills. This is important: I believe you already have all the answers within you. My job is to accompany you and help you to find the answers that are already within you. Mindfulness helps by paying less attention to our unhelpful, superfluous thoughts so that you can find the real answers, and start making the right decisions in your job, career, and life.
First, it’s very important that you feel comfortable with me. In psychotherapy research there has been a large study to find out which therapy methods are most effective. The results: All methods were equally effective. The only criterion that is significantly effective is the therapeutic relationship. This is no different in coaching. That’s why we always have a free 15-20 minute preliminary talk in advance, either by phone or Skype/Zoom. This way you get an impression of me, can feel if the chemistry is right and can ask questions. If you then decide to take part in a coaching session, we will discuss how to proceed. There are several options, which depend on various factors: Which topic you bring to coaching, your goals, and much more. Therefore, a first preliminary talk is good to discuss all of this. If you are interested in a free preliminary talk, you can call me or write an email to: kerri.cummings@mind-bar.de
YES! If you want to continue after the first preliminary talk (via Skype/Zoom or by phone), we will make appointments directly!
In the first coaching session you talk a lot! I want to understand your topic(s) accurately and completely and get to know you as a person. My goal for the first 1-2 sessions (this varies depending on the topic or complexity of the topic) is to define a coaching goal together with you. That means, what do you want to have achieved when you are “done” with the coaching? Goals should be SMART (Specific Measurable Achievable Reasonable Time Bound). For your coaching, we want to define your coaching goal together, so that you actually achieve it! In the subsequent sessions, we will then work on the goal. However, it is important to know that your goal can change during the coaching process. If this is the case, we will discuss openly and transparently whether your timing for the coaching might need to change (maybe more or less sessions) and how we will proceed.
1. MINDDUMP… Through a free and open discussion and certain mindfulness exercises, you learn to distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant thoughts in your mind. 2. MINDGAPS…Only when you have sorted your mind, can you then pay less attention to the harmful and unhelpful beliefs, drivers and thoughts. At this stage we identify any inner stumbling blocks that stand in your way. 3. MINDDRIVERS … It is also important to become aware of where your strengths and motivations are. What drives you? What activities, environments, etc. give you energy? We want MORE OF THIS! Only then can you recognize which goals are meaningful and which thoughts will lead you closer to a fulfilled, happy life. 4. MINDTRAIN… With specific and focused training, you can strengthen and refine your mind to put your new goals into practice.
Yes! I offer business coaching in individual settings and in companies. Due to my academic and professional qualifications and experience, I am ideally suited: I am a former management consultant (MBA) with years of experience in strategic marketing with Fortune 500 companies, and I am also a clinical psychologist (M.Sc.). I round out these skills with my personal mindfulness practice and certification as an MBSR teacher. ARE YOU INTERESTED? Schedule an appointment in person or on the phone/video for a (non-binding) interview. Alternatively, I can come to you and give a 30-minute presentation/lecture on the topic of mindfulness and my work as a coach. In this way you (or your employees) can experience me “live” and can also ask questions directly. MINDBAR SERVICES FOR COMPANIES Individual coaching for employees. The topics vary according to requirements and are defined after the initial interview. In this case there are two initial meetings: 1) with the client, and 2) with the coachee/client. Team coaching and workshops. The topics vary according to your needs and are defined after the initial meeting. This can be classical business coaching, but also seminars and workshops for burnout prevention. MBSR for companies. MBSR is an 8-week mindfulness training for stress management. That means 8 times, á 2.5 hours each, plus a day of mindfulness (6 hours).
MINDBAR® always offers a range of seminars and events:
- Happy Hour – An evening at the MINDBAR with impulse lectures, drinks, snacks and exchange of ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.
- Theme evenings: Various seminars on special topics, such as “Digitization and Children”, “Mindful Communication”, etc. (Dates will be announced in the calendar & under “News”)
- Impulse lectures and workshops in companies, for companies
- KEYNOTE/MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKING in companies and at congresses, trade fairs, and other major events.
See “News” for current & upcoming events

BSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) is an 8-week program, developed in the 1970s by Prof. Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn (University Massachusetts Medical Center), that uses mindfulness to help people with various problems such as stress, pain, or other problems. MBSR uses exercises such as meditation, body awareness exercises, etc. to learn and cultivate mindfulness.
Upcoming Classes:
New class starting on 23.4.24
Tuesdays, 18:00-20:30
The initial one-hour consultation is free. The purpose of this meeting is:
Please email me (the contact form is below), and I will send you my availability.
Note that confidentiality and discretion are always guaranteed.
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